onsdag 14. oktober 2009

The most dedicated dog-people

I was in Bratislava, Slovakia last week and on one of the days I was ring-side just watching and noticed a breed called SLOVENSKÝ ČUVAČ...

The people ringside - the judge and the owners was so interesting too look at... Showing the dogs beautiful was NOT an issue.. The handlers was more or less dressed up in hunting-clothes and the judge was really up to this. He nooded and shaked his head all the time - He discussed with the owners and the people ringside. Everyone was involved

Notice the group of people sitting ringside in the background... They did NOT
move during the entire show.. And the dogs where kept far away from eachother due to
slightly aggresive attitude... BUT this is dedication!!!!

søndag 4. oktober 2009

It's so fun!!

This weekend we were waiting for pups.
When we picked up "Arja" last week I thought it was 3 - 4 pups...
But yesterday ( Saturday) we had to contact the vet as she did'nt "push" as we wanted - and when the vet took a x-ray she saw 7.... A shot in her muscle and first pup was out within 5 minutes... a small boy :-) - 5 boys followed and I was sure that she didn't have any girls... but she came at last... Now we just have too see if everything goes as we want....

mandag 21. september 2009

Northern Norway in September -09

Norway is one of the most beautiful contries and together with Siv Oware we took the drive from Tromsø onward upnorth to Burfjord - On this day the weather was outstanding and the pictures shows how fantastic this contry is - It was more than 100 pictures taken so it will take a while before all are online... CLICK ON PICTURE TO SEE THE FULL SIZE


torsdag 17. september 2009

A picture from 1997

This picture came by e-mail today from an old dog-friend...
It shows me with my three first mini's..
CH. Ing-sta's Bonn (age 11), CH Motown's Up side down (age 3)
and CH. Brittuvan's Hot'n Spicy (age 9)

fredag 14. august 2009

And dinner tomorrow...

Bård is at the kitchen and making tomorrows dinner...

Menu is sea-shells, Raindeer-steak and berriers from our garden :-()



The change of "Millie" - Greypix's Do me again

Marita and Siv assisted me with "Millie" today and prepared her for this weekend...

The showdog... Wedlock's Black magic woman

Above.. Me proving that we have something called top-dog!!!

It took us 4 hours....

And pleased with the result :-)

Wedlock's Black magic Woman

To groom a Giantschnauzer takes some time... This is us while working on her....

Siv and my neck
Stripping forechest
Siv is working
Looks good so far...

Something interesting??
Hold still...
A wet "Frida"
Siv and Marita

Show-grooming today...

Our mini's looking out the fence..
From right Frøya, Kate, Arja, Loppa, Tuppa and Elskling..
We started at 1000 this morning and groomed the dogs we are showing tomorrow....

tirsdag 11. august 2009


She has been to the vet's office again.... After 4 times with different thing she decided that this is not how she want's it...
Bård was called up from the Vet about an hour after she was deliverd and ask to pick her up as she was behaving like a spoiled brat... She did not keep her voice down at all and other customers was a little upset on her behalf...

Of course she was pleased to see him and as I'm writing this she is upstairs in MY bed having a nap together with her hero - Bård...

Can't belive that a dog could be sooo spoiled here :-)

Loppa groomed

Our Multichampion G's Mysterious narrative "Loppa" is now a true PET :-)

The sun shined and some of our dogs struggles in the sun, among them "Loppa"
She has been our leading bitch in the show-ring and we have been unsure if we should hold her coat in condition or not.. Today we decided not too and she loved it :-)

Picture shows her at her last weeekend in the show-ring where she became BOB on the spec.show and BOS on the Int.show in Stavanger...